Every time…

Every time you tell your daughter not to raise her voice – 

You teach her to accept the abuse in silence.

Every time you shush your daughter –

You become the reason for her silent suffering.

Every time you ask your daughter to – “cover up honey” – 

You validate the nasty comments men make over her body.

Every time you ask your daughter to wash the dishes over your son because it’s her job

You contribute to the underlying societal issues among men and women.

Every time you read your daughter a fairytale that ends with a prince charming saving the day-

You engrave the idea that only men are capable of such things into her evolving mind.

Every time you call your daughter cute and pretty instead of strong and intelligent – 

You’re taking away from the fact that she is so much more than just pretty.

Every time you tell your daughter she’s being unladylike – 

You take away from her true self.

Every time you shame your daughter –

You tame her as if she’s an animal that needs to be kept caged. 

This is the uncomfortable truth.

Untame women.

Women too, can change the world.

Educate yourselves and your sons.

Change society.


This poem was inspired by the book that I’m currently reading which is Untamed by Glennon Doyle. The specific quote that inspired me to write this poem was : “Girls are not for conquering. They do not exist to play supporting roles in stories of men. They exist all on their own.” This line brought out the feminism in me and inspired me to make my free choice writing about how small day to day things contribute to the overall societal issues and the inequality women face. I hope this piece is able to enlighten anyone who comes across it and inspires them to go out and educate themselves, so as a whole we can change and stop the oppression of women.

Featured Image: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdailyillini.com%2Fopinions%2F2019%2F04%2F10%2Ffeminism-needs-to-be-intersectional%2F&psig=AOvVaw1ac_tLFek9AYTlPgDxGXDn&ust=1602959044539000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCLjQkfbduewCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAR